Category Archives: Nieuws

Bleau Yoga

During July & August there will be no Bleau Yoga classes. Continue reading

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Maintenance Kruithuisbrug

During the summer the Kruithuisbrug will be partly closed due to maintenance. No worries, you can still get to your favourite gym but you might have to take a litte detour. Continue reading

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Unique chalkbags

If you follow us on social media you’ve already seen the pictures of the amazing chalkbags, designed and produced by Hestas. Continue reading

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(Nederlands) Verhoging BTW per 1 januari 2026?!

(Nederlands) De sport als nieuwe melkkoe? De formerende partijen hebben het voornemen om voor de sport per 1 januari 2026 een BTW-verhoging door te voeren van 9% naar 21%. Dat gaat een enorme impact hebben op sportend Nederland en daarmee ook op de gezondheid & het welzijn van iedereen in Nederland. Continue reading

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DB Pubquiz Sa 8 June

As announced at the beginning of this month we’re organising our first Pubquiz on 8 June. Registration is now open! Continue reading

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db9 and first ever DB Pubquiz

You might already have seen the save the date sign next to the bar: there’s a db9 coming up and the first ever DB Pubquiz! Continue reading

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Kingsday and Whit Monday

The gym is closed on Kingsday, Sa 27 April. On Whit Monday, 20 May, the gym is not open in the evening (Sunday hours). Continue reading

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Dialezing Bart van Raaij and vacancy barteam

We’re very sorry: for both the slideshow and the vacancy in our barteam fluency in Dutch is required. If you are fluent in Dutch and your browsersettings are in English you’ll most likely end up on this page. In that case: please switch to our Dutch page! Continue reading

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Happy Easter!

All boulders on the main wall are back since the beginning of this week. The circuits are nearly all back to the regular numbers as well, except for some hard ones. This Easter you have a lot of fresh boulders on your menu! Continue reading

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We’re a bit overwhelmed by the hugh number of (last minute) registrations for the DBIYO. With a whopping 180+ registrations this is by far the biggest DBIYO we’ve ever organised. Unfortunately this also means that we’ll have to split the qualifications in 2 groups: 1 in the morning, a 2nd in the afternoon. Continue reading

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