Welcome at Bouldercentrum Delfts Bleau!

The name Delfts Bleau refers to Fontainebleau, the world’s Mecca for bouldering. This name is chosen because Bouldercentrum Delfts Bleau has opportunities for everyone, just like in Fontainebleau. Whether you’re a beginner or a top boulderer, either way there are plenty of opportunities for fine bouldering.

Check out this page for the opening hours and here for the rates

Bouldercentrum Delfts Bleau

Latest news:

  • Registration Pubquiz is now open and the tickets for ReelRock18 are on sale! - Our 2nd Pubquiz night will be hosted on Sunday 22 September, you cannot have missed the signings next to the bar. Registration is now open! Don't wait to long and sign up. Continue reading
  • ReelRock 18 comes to Delfts Bleau - Saturday evening 21 September our gyms transforms into a cinema for one evening only. That night we offer you the 4 films of ReelRock 18 and not only that.....the "star" of the 4th film will be present in the gym for a Q&A. Please note the date in your calendar, we will soon publish information of the ticket purchase. Continue reading
  • bye bye paper cup - Since the beginning of this year companies, schools, hospitals, sport facilities etc. are no longer allowed to use paper cups, unless you sell to-go products. As we had a huge stock of paper cups we decided to use those as binning them would do no good to our planet either. The moment has arrived we're out of stock so start searching for that good old water bottle! Continue reading

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